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4 Things Nobody Tells You About Losing Weight

Losing weight won't solve all of your problems. It certainly helps to be skinny and sad rather than fat and sad, so there's that. Besides the countless health benefits that you may receive because of this lifestyle change, though, there are a few that are negative, or if somehow positive, can carry negative connotations.

Your butt will hurt

You're probably used to sitting around on any hard surface without much trouble, and that's good and all, but it's not so fine when you lose your cushion down there. Suddenly, you're going to need more comfortable seating options because that rock just won't do it anymore and you'll be hurting your tailbone, so carry a pillow. 

You'll get colder

This is excellent for making it through the summer. Make sure to drink some water, though, as it can still be pretty brutal on your hydration. When winter comes, you'll have to buy a good jacket to get through it because your insulating capacity just won't be the same, and you won't be the guy who can brave the cold weather with just a t-shirt. On the plus side, you'll look better in a jacket now. 

You still have to fight your cravings

It's not like once you're thin that's it. Your hormones haven't changed much, and even if you've been eating well for half a year or more, those are still new habits replacing life-long ones most of the time, which means that you'll have stronger instincts that can pull you back to your old life if you're not careful. 

There are ways to make this easier on yourself, of course, which we'll go through, but the fact is that until your body's hormones have adapted, which is estimated to be after a year of maintenance, you'll have to deal with the hunger.

People will treat you differently

This shouldn't come as a surprise if you think about it, but it still hits you pretty hard. It's no secret that attractive people can get by easier in life, and like in any system where future success depends on previous success, you'll form a virtuous cycle that will bring you more success. 

Now, you can take it as a sad thing in that you haven't changed much on the inside but people will treat you better, or some others as a viable threat, but if you stick to that mindset you can get pretty cynical and that's no good thing either. 

Instead, see it as a sign that the habits that you've built have given you good results and that you have objectively improved, and what you see on the outside is only a reflection of the hard work you've done, which is exactly how you should view it. That's not to say that you should be unempathetic to other fat people; that's a trap that some who've lost weight fall to, rather, let them know that they can do it as well. 

Besides, being thinner means that you'll have more room to get your foot in the door when it comes to dating, which isn't a bad thing at all. That's not all there is to it, but it helps, so go get 'em. 

If you don't know where to start, then read this post which should put you in the right direction, or if you're thin, then read this to avoid putting on the kilos. Get a body scale and a food scale as well, for you're going to need those if you want to take your efforts seriously. 


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